Tuesday, May 17, 2016

337 : Common Linnet

Common Linnet - Carduelis cannabina

More spoils from a final walk on Raspberry mountain.  Sadly a bird in trouble in the UK as it relies on mess. It likes seeds - gorse, thistle, sueda, buckthorn. Sadly it doesn't prosper in woodland or on arable land. I used to see a lot of Linnets on "brownfield" sites when I birded around London. So from a population of 1.2 m in the UK in the 70's they were down to around 600,000 at the last count. One very messy field is a must for land that I will buy when I am older.

I thought this might be a Redpoll (a real excitement for me) but those birds associate more birch wood and conifer. Linnets are more birds of the outdoors rather than the tree canopy.

My family are loons. The boys are always keen to remove clothing in cold weather. They have been in Dubai too long.

It was saying goodbye to Grandma in some ways. Lovely place.

Common Linnet, Carduelis cannabin a  
Raspberry Mountain, Clywd
July 2015

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