Saturday, February 25, 2012

67 : Sociable Plover

Sociable Plover - Vanellus gregarius

Yes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Recently better shot - 3 birds - 2 male and 1 female at Pivot fields - 8 December 2012]

[Recently added Female Bird - 8/12/12 - Pivots]

Sorry but sometimes in life you feel larger forces at work. I tap away about stuff but one theme is why are we killing all these beautiful birds - and animals in fairness - and whilst I don't yet have a solution (but the firm I work for has one for the rain forests - watch this space) I think awareness is a good thing.

So yesterday I posted about rare birds - rails I think - and whined on about how we should "save the whales".

Today in the most apparent sense I just got it and I am already a tree hugger. This bird is down to thewire - I think less than 1000. I was looking at 6 of them. A count in 2006 put it at 600-1000,

The guy I was with got very exicited - I can understand why - possibly 0.5-1% of the worlds population.

I have got my head round this and I am quite clear. Here is a plover or lapwing - there are perhaps 1000 left - thats like mountain gorillas, siberian tigers. If we are going to argue about 300 vs 1000 then we have lost the plot. I  know that there are what 6 billion people on this world - These guys - sorry - probably less than 1000 - if that was the human race that would be a Hollywood disaster movie.

This man - and he is man  - was in a flock with 5 females. My books tell me he is not monogomous - good !

Some days I am moved by birds - this is a stradovarious of a bird - A D'vinchi drawing - a Penny Black. Why doesn't the world get this ? I am sorry you cannot put it in a museum or on your wall.  You could  stuff it like a Dodo - This bird is rarer than a tiger or a blue whale.

So what's my point - I cannot make a moral case to value this creature any less than a Panda. So we need to start slapping orders on the Pivot Fields to keep stuff as it is.  I feel a letter to Sheikh Mo coming on. Will phrase it nicely.
Sociable Plover - Vanellus Leucurus
Pivot Fields Dubai
25 February 201

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